Thursday, July 28, 2011

Movie Extravaganza

Next wednesday at noon is the deadline to turn in your fourth game card. Bring your pass to the lobby at Movies 16 on August 4 and exchange your pass for a ticket. You must RSVP via the blog or by leaving a message at 775-2839 by noon on Wednesday, August 3 to ensure your movie ticket. Please get there at least 15 minutes before your movie starts.

Staff will be available at these selected showings:

11:30 a.m. Smurfs 3D (only option for a 3D movie) -- PG -- 100 mins
2:00 p.m. Captain America -- PG13 -- 124 mins
4:50 p.m. Winnie the Pooh -- G -- 63 mins
6:15 p.m. Smurfs (2D)
6:15 p.m. Cowboys vs. Aliens -- PG-13 -- 112 mins
6:45 p.m. Zookeeper -- PG -- 104 mins

Here are other options that staff will not be available at but you can get tickets for. Please RSVP to ensure that tickets will be purchased for you:

11:00 a.m. -- Cowboys vs. Aliens, Captain America, or Zookeeper (11:05)
1:45 p.m. -- Zookeeper or Cowboys vs. Aliens
4:20 p.m. -- Zookeeper
5:00 p.m. -- Captain America (must pick up your ticket before 4:40)

If these do not work around your schedule (band & sports starting) call and leave a message by noon on Wednesday and we will try to work with your schedule.

There will be lots of prize drawings. Anyone who has turned in 4 cards will be eligible for the grand prize that will be announced next week. There will also be drawings for a variety of gift cards including movie money!!! Good luck to everyone.


  1. Nate Singleton would like to attend the 2:00 showing of "Captain America", please y thank you!

  2. Andrew and I would like to attend the 5:00 showing of Captian America. :) Thanks!

  3. do you have to pay anything for the 3D showing of the smurf movie?

  4. The smurf movie will probably work for us. Would we have to pay for a 3D showing?

  5. The 11:30 showing of Smurfs in 3D will not cost the teens any extra. We had to pick a 3D show to try to have as many different shows options as possible with library staff in them. If any family members come, I think their ticket will probably cost them $8.50 for the early bird since 3D costs more.

  6. sarah and joelle galavis would like to see smurfs in 3D at 11:30!!! thank you very much god bless america!!!!!!!!!!

  7. i would like to c the 2:00 showing of captain america!!!

  8. Joshua Dansby would like to see the 5:00 Showing of CAPTAIN AMERICA. It is going to be so cool!

  9. If we can't go to a Thursday movie, is it possible to get a ticket for another day?

  10. Karla Julie and Susana would like to attend the 2d
    smurf movie at 6:15 p.m.

  11. i love SMURFS especially blue ones

  12. Ryker,Steven,Ramsey,& Christopher would like to attend the 2:00 showing of Captain America

  13. I want 2 see smurfs 3d so we just exchange our pass 4 a pass??? I love the previews of smurfs though. 

  14. I wanted to make sure James let you know that he wanted to see Cowboys & Aliens at 6:15.

  15. Chris Lopez and Leonard Lopez would like to see Cowboys & Aliens at 6:15PM

  16. Thanks everyone for letting us know which movie you will be coming to.

    We will only be able to get tickets to the movies for Thursday but you will still be entered into the prize drawings.

    Library staff will be in the lobby 20 to 30 minutes before you move so that you can exchange your pass for a ticket.

    See everyone in a few days!

  17. Brandon Blevins would like to go to 6:15 Cowboys vs Aliens

  18. rachel romero- 1:45 Zookeeper please! wil everyone's names be put in for the grand prize drawing?

  19. mia contreras would like to see smufs in 3D at 11:30

  20. alexus rodriguez wants to see Smurfs 3D at 11:00am

  21. liliana moreno & elizabeth Moreno would like to see Smurfs 2D at 6:15 pm

  22. I have had fun meeting all the interesting Teens in Lubbock! Go Public Library!!!!! Staff Member at Mahon

  23. caleb dansby wants to see captin america at 5:00

  24. Ryan Singleterry wants to see Smurfs in 2D 6:15 PM

  25. Deverick Parks & David Morring want to see Smurfs 2D Tazz Cooper Chris Evans Danny Boyd also want to see Smurfs 2D at 6:15 PM A total of five

  26. i want to see smurfs 3D at 11:30 THSNKS ;))_Lorena <3

  27. Thanks again to everyone for letting us know which movie you want to come see. See everyone at Movies 16 tomorrow.

  28. Annabelle would like to see Zookeeper at 6:45
